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New Event

Collaboration Project

Easily import collab project info using their Twitter username or project name, unless it's your own community event, in which case you can turn it off

Warning: The search results are based on community input and may not be entirely accurate. Please exercise caution and double-check all information before using it

Event Info

Tell us more about your event

Starts In1 day2 days3 days

Ends In1 day2 days3 days

  • Private Event

    Private events are not discoverable on Superful. Only users with the event URL can access the event

  • Auto Finalized

    Automatically picks and confirms winners as soon as the event concludes

  • Winner Showcase

    Displays the winner list on the event page for full transparency

  • NFT Loyalty Boost Hot

    Reward diamond hands with additional raffle tickets.

    ETH Wallet Balance Requirement


    Required to have the stated ETH balance to join the event


    Manual tweet verification via links for creative and engaging Twitter requirements.

    Twitter Follower Requirement

    Required to follow the stated account(s) to join the event

    Twitter Like & Retweet Requirement

    Required to Like & Retweet the stated Tweet to join the event

    Discord Member Requirement

    To join the event, you must sign in to Discord, be a member of the specified server, and meet all requirements.Not sure how to get Server/Role ID?

    Custom Fields

    Custom fields allow users to enter a personalized value, such as their email address, text, or a number

    Wallet NFT Requirement

    Required to have the stated NFT to join the event

    Google reCAPTCHA

    This requirement adds a security step to the registration process, ensuring that only legitimate users can participate


    After a user registers for the event, what should the user see in the confirmation modal?